Kingswood Elementary

April 22 Update

Good Evening Kingswood Parents,


As I am sure you have all heard the Covid-19 cases in the HRM have increased recently and as a result several HRCE schools have been closed. We are very happy that Kingswood is still open.

During today’s briefing Dr. Strang said that all students from grades PP-12 now have to wear masks at school. This will be new for our students so please prepare them for this.

Today we sent home Chromebooks with students who had indicated that they required technology. We are asking that parents read over the letter and accompanying contract that were sent home with them, and are also included as attachments to this email. It is expected that the Chromebooks will come to school each day so that the students will have them here to use.

If your situation has changed and no longer require the use of a Chromebook please return it to us tomorrow. If you now require technology please let your child’s teacher know and we will try to accommodate your request.

We are hopeful that the new restrictions will slow the spread of Covid-19 and that Kingswood stays open. We appreciate your continued support in following all of the Covid-19 protocols for schools.

We wish you all the best this evening and look forward to seeing our students in the morning.

Andrea and Carrie